Friday, May 24, 2019

Cesar Ascencio

Cesar was born on October 22nd, 1976 in El Salvador. He lived in El Salvador until November 1983. He made the trip to the U.S. a few days after his cousin Herbert was born. (When you're a kid, dates are irrelevant.) He never went back to El Salvador, had no memories of it...he was always American as far as he could remember and as far as he was concerned.

When he was a tiny baby, he looked like a little bird without feathers...his hair was silky and standing straight up. His eyes were like no one else's, very eagle like in shape; no one else in our family has eyes like him.

Mom's favorite memory of when he was a toddler is how he used to say "rapido", which is the Spanish word for "fast". Mom likes to tell how as a toddler, he would try to persuade her into taking Taxi cabs instead of the bus by saying, "Esh mash aapido", "It's much faster" Spanish baby talk. 

Cesar Ascencio

Cesar was born on October 22nd, 1976 in El Salvador. He lived in El Salvador until November 1983. He made the trip to the U.S. a few days a...